
How To Get Youtube Tv On Roku

TV Answer Man, I heard you can't get YouTube TV on Roku anymore. Is that true? Is there a way to get it through YouTube? I heard that there was. Can you help me, please? — Jen, Cleveland.

Jen, as you noted, Roku has removed YouTube TV from its Channel Store due to a carriage disagreement with its owner, Google. However, the app is still available to Roku customers who previously downloaded it prior to the end of the old carriage pact.

Not only that, Google has shrewdly added a workaround for Roku owners who didn't previously download the YouTube TV app. If you go to your YouTube app — YouTube, not YouTube TV — you will see a YouTube TV button at the end of your menu on the left hand side of the screen. If you click on the button, it will take you to YouTube TV where you can sign up or sign in.

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Thus far, the dispute has not affected Roku's carriage of YouTube so you can still download the YouTube app from Roku's Channel Store and start watching YouTube TV as well if you haven't previously added one or the other to your Roku menu.

Google has put YouTube TV on its Menu for Roku owners.

This may sound like silly gamesmanship by Google and Roku which seemingly do nothing but inconvenience their customers. But until the two companies resolve their differences, this is the best you can do.

The TV Answer Man will continue to monitor this carriage scrap and report back here if anything changes.

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Until then, happy viewing, and stay safe!

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— Phillip Swann

How To Get Youtube Tv On Roku


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