
How To Get A Bee Out Of Your House

If you hear screaming coming from houses this time of year, it may be because someone has just found a huge bee in their house.

With the weather getting warmer, people are starting to open windows and doors, but unfortunately, as well as welcoming in the fresh air, it also rolls out the red carpet for anything that happens to be flying past.

And from now on, the number of things flying about gets higher every day.

When the weather starts getting warmer, the population of bees increases sevenfold in some hives, which is why we're starting to see more of them about.

During April and May the queen bee in any hive can lay an egg up to once every 20 seconds - that's more than 2000 a day.

Each of those will take between 21 and 24 days to develop into bees.

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The population of a hive can increase to 35,000 in the summer from 5000 in the winter months.

But this time of year you can also find bees looking for a new home, which can see queen bees stumble through your open doors and windows, often to have a rest on a windowsill.

Some honey bees will tend to swarm at this time of year, often following around the queen

As honey bees can no longer survive in the wild, it is important for swarms to be collected and returned to the care of beekeepers.

Here's what you need to know...

Why do honey bees swarm?

A swarm of bees

A swarm of bees

Sending out a swarm is the natural way in which honey bee colonies increase their numbers. They are looking for new homes. Honey bees in a swarm are usually very gentle and present very little danger. They can be made aggressive if disturbed or sprayed with water.

In general, a honey bee hive will swarm once in a year, although some do more frequently. In the UK the swarming season now is April to July with the peak in early May-mid June.

What should you do if you discover a swarm?

A swarm of bees descended on Treorchy, Rhondda

A swarm of bees descended on Treorchy, Rhondda

If you find a swarm in the early stages of formation with a lot of bees flying about, just keep clear and watch. After about an hour or so the swarm will settle and become almost un-noticeable. During this time, it is clustering to keep warm and conserve energy and sending out 'scout' bees to look for a new place to live. Eventually, the swarm will move to its new home, generally within 24-48 hours.

If the swarm needs to be moved, contact a local bee keeper. Swansea and District Beekeepers Society have lots of bee keepers that can remove the swarm for you.

Why should you care about bees?

About one in every three bites of food you have is down to a bee, through pollination of plants and flowers. They pollinate around one sixth of all the flowering species worldwide, but in 2015 more than 14% of England's honey bee colonies died over winter. There are approximately 4,000 beekeepers in Wales with nearly 20,000 hives according to the Welsh Government. Their pollination antics contribute £200 million per year to the UK economy.

What happens if one bee comes into the home?

A swarm of bees arrived in a woman's lounge after 10,000 made her chimney their home.

The best thing to do is open doors and windows and let the bee leave of its own accord. Another option is to put some sugar water in the bottom of a jar, one part sugar to three parts water. Bore a hole in the jar lid, big enough for the bee to crawl through and screw it on. Wait for the bee to crawl in the jar so you can then take it outside and release it.

How To Get A Bee Out Of Your House


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